e: support@dadsunltd.org.uk         t: 01233 680150         Mon-Fri 09:00-16:00

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“You saved my son’s life, two-weeks before he met you, he tried to kill himself, now he has hope again.” 


The parents we help are frightened and vulnerable. Family breakdown can destroy confidence and self-worth and many people that we support, spiral into a deep despair that is fuelled by isolation and loneliness. Every parent lost to suicide, because of family breakdown, is preventable.

By choosing to give a regular donation, you will be helping us to plan for the future. We guarantee that every £1 that you give brings us closer to a world where suicide is preventable and not inevitable.

  • £5 a month could help fund the registration of someone in need.
  • £10 a month could help fund a friendly support call which could help someone to take the first step in identifying the support and help they need.
  • £25 a month could help fund a mentoring session, which can lead to a targeted  programme of one to one support.

If you would like to find out more about making a one-off donation or a regular donation, please donate above.

GSK IMPACT Awards 2022 winner
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The co-parenting programme was a groundbreaking moment. It has given me clarity. It has shifted my life so much. The quality of the mentoring support has been great. I was able to do things myself, but I received the support to take the correct routes. It empowered me, and I was in charge of my decisions but with the company of the mentoring service.
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"DU workers are legends. All the support I received over the years has been amazing."
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Can't speak highly enough of Dads Unlimited they saved me from ruin and will always hold a place in my heart.....a truly wonderful group of individuals who will help your cause I am sure! ❤😁
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If you're a father or a mother and need help, you found the right place. Don't feel lonely Dads Unlimited are here to help you. They did to me.
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You're very special. You have supported me unconditionally! You're amazing, never unavailable for me. You listened... Yes listened.. But understood

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