e: support@dadsunltd.org.uk         t: 01233 680150         Mon-Fri 09:00-16:00

Founder’s Letter

In 2013 I began my journey into a world that, which I didn’t know at the time, would transform the rest of my life. I was a Single Dad who saw his son one night a week and most weekends. Things changed for me a lot; not only was I so used to being in a partnership, but as that had ended – I had to try and find out who I was again.

However, sadly, due to some inexplicable and aberrant reasons, which were very difficult to deal with, in 2015, my son came to live with me full time. From being a part-time Dad – I was now a full-time one. I gave up work and began my new journey into a world I hadn’t really properly experienced until now.

Before, my life consisted of conference calls, meetings, meetings about meetings, getting up early, coming home late, analysing budgets, articulating strategy, tactical negotiations, giving speeches, travelling, holding to account, leading teams, holding 1:1’s, shaping visions and values, building organisations, developing policies and processes, operational delivery, working on difficult legal issues and cases, building bridges with communities, and anything else corporate life had to throw at me.

Now it’s all about school runs, cleaning, homework, ironing, washing, sports days, school plays, food shopping, budgeting, entertaining in the holidays, cooking, exercising, learning maths and English again, reading, negotiating, teaching, chauffeuring, answering endless questions and organising play dates. To be honest, the list is pretty endless – just when you think you’ve mastered something – along comes something else, and the whole thing starts again. I’ve never been so tired.

But that’s not always how it was.

When I started down this path – I looked everywhere for advice, help and for support – or for just someone saying I was doing alright. But I didn’t find anything or anyone. And especially not another Dad in my exact position. So I made things up as I went along or asked a few Mums who I knew would help me.  But I really wanted to meet someone else who would help and understand. There were good days and bad, but as I was told – just try to be ‘good enough’.

And because I couldn’t find anything – that’s how Dads Unlimited was born. Out of necessity. We are not anti-women or anti-mothers. We are only Pro-Dad. Children need both of their parents.

There is currently a vacuum with no one trying to fill it appropriately.

But now there is. Dads Unlimited.

Because as Dads – we are growing the Women and Men of the future – and we’re doing it well, but we could do it better.

It’s the best job I’ve ever had – one that never thanks you – but always rewards you.



GSK IMPACT Awards 2022 winner
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The co-parenting programme was a groundbreaking moment. It has given me clarity. It has shifted my life so much. The quality of the mentoring support has been great. I was able to do things myself, but I received the support to take the correct routes. It empowered me, and I was in charge of my decisions but with the company of the mentoring service.
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"DU workers are legends. All the support I received over the years has been amazing."
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Can't speak highly enough of Dads Unlimited they saved me from ruin and will always hold a place in my heart.....a truly wonderful group of individuals who will help your cause I am sure! ❤😁
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If you're a father or a mother and need help, you found the right place. Don't feel lonely Dads Unlimited are here to help you. They did to me.
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You're very special. You have supported me unconditionally! You're amazing, never unavailable for me. You listened... Yes listened.. But understood

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